The “boots-on-the-ground” truth from those who were there.
The Yellow Springs Arts Council is proud to be the Fiscal Sponsor for this film by Westerville-based director Michael Ivey.

BTS of 2021 interview with General Alfred M. Gray, USMC (Ret.), 29th Commandant of the USMC, Commanding General, 2nd MARDIV Fleet Marine Force
This poignant, intensely personal film will chronicle the United States Marines presence and operations in Beirut, Lebanon from 1982 to 1984. The project is dedicated to the members of the United States military who made the ultimate sacrifice in Lebanon between 1982 and 1984, their Gold Star families and surviving comrades-in-arms, as well as the United States Foreign Service, Multinational Force members, and our Lebanese allies. Ivey is currently conducting final interviews, and going into post production with a passion.

Cast Richard C. Zilmer leads his company F, Battalion Landing Team 2/8 Marines ashore from the landing ship Saginaw (LST 1188) at the port of Beirut on 29 September 1982.
From rarely discussed deadly firefights to the terrorist bombing that took 241 lives – the single deadliest attack on American Marines since the Battle of Iwo Jima – this film will feature those who served, political and military decision makers, and the journalists who documented the chaotic state of affairs in the region.
Michael Ivey is an award-winning broadcast director, editor, photographer, writer and storyteller. He is committed to making work that makes a difference. Michael brings a very unique set of skills to every project: he is a former commentator/reporter for NPR’s All Things Considered, has been a professional whitewater guide, an Associated Press photojournalist and a Los Angeles based production designer.
You can make your tax-deductible contribution to this film two ways:
Donate online with credit card
Enter your donation amount and click CHECKOUT. Complete all required fields on the form (indicated by an asterisk) and select “We Came in Peace” in the Donation Allocation box, then click Submit Payment.
Send a check
Make it out to Yellow Springs Arts Council, with “We Came in Peace” on the note. Mail it to The Yellow Springs Arts Council, PO Box 459, Yellow Springs, OH 45387
Your generous support will go towards:
- Final Interviews
- Post Production including:
- Acquisition and licensing of archival materials and music
- Creation of maps and graphics
- Sound design and final mix
- Color correction
- Marketing, including Film Festival entry fees
Thank you for supporting this film project!