Serif: The Catich Legacy

The Yellow Springs Arts Council is proud to be the Fiscal Sponsor for this film by Westerville-based director Michael Ivey.


Michael Ivey is an award-winning broadcast director, editor, photographer, writer and storyteller. He is committed to making work that makes a difference. Michael brings a very unique set of skills to every project: he is a former commentator/reporter for NPR’s All Things Considered, has been a professional whitewater guide, an Associated Press photojournalist and a Los Angeles based production designer.

You can make your tax-deductible contribution to this film two ways:

Donate online with credit card
Enter your donation amount and click CHECKOUT. Complete all required fields on the form (indicated by an asterisk) and select “Serif: the Catich Legacy” in the Donation Allocation box, then click Submit Payment.

Send a check
Make it out to Yellow Springs Arts Council, with “Serif: the Catich Legacy” on the note. Mail it to Yellow Springs Arts Council, PO Box 459, Yellow Springs, OH 45387

Your generous support will go towards:

  • Preproduction Research
  • Travel to Davenport, Iowa
  • Location Scouting
  • Video Interviews of Catich Students, Proteges and Parishioners
  • Acquisition and Licensing of Archival Materials and Music
  • Design and Creation of Graphics
  • Sound Design and Final Mix
  • Color Correction
  • Marketing, Including Film Festival Entry Fees

Thank you for supporting this film project!