Providing teaching opportunities for our gallery artists, creative workers and presenters of all arts disciplines is the cornerstone of our education program.
Requirements for presenting classes and workshops at YSAC:
- Current YSAC Advantage Level Membership ($75 includes a year of publicity + other benefits)
or artists who are presenting an exhibit in the YSAC Gallery during the regular season.
- YSAC Education Space Rental: $12.50/ instruction hr. (2-hr. minimum, no additional charge for set-up/clean-up time.)
*Note: YSAC staff will only be available during the first half hour.
Benefits to Artist-Educators at YSAC:
- Classroom including studio art space, tables, chairs, sink, LCD projector.
- The YSAC gallery of artwork for inspiration.
- Local and regional publicity through our YSAC email list and facebook reach. (You provide info & images.)
- YSAC gallery visitors can be presented with your workshop publicity. (You supply handbills or other printed info.))
- Retain your class profit.
- YSAC staff will be on site at the onset of your first class.
Artist-Educator Responsibilities:
- Submit a proposal about your class including details to be used in publicity. You set your tuition.
- All workshop details must be emailed at least 2 weeks before your class start date.
- You provide your contact information for class inquiries and enrollment.
- Plan and execute all elements of your class.
- Purchase/acquire all materials for your class.
- Self-promote your workshop–email, facebook, word of mouth, etc. You are your best advocate and students tend to follow great teachers!
- Full responsibility for set up and clean up of the space. (YSAC staff will not be present throughout).
- Send your space rental payment to YSAC @ P.O. Box 459, YS, OH 45387
Presenters in the space agree to leave the YSAC Gallery and Multi-Arts Space in the same or better condition than at arrival. A cleaning checklist is posted in the kitchen and will be provided at education agreement signing.
Let us Publicize your Educational Offerings!
Don’t need a space to teach? Join YSAC as an Advantage Member and we can publicize your arts related classes, workshops, and lectures wherever they may be. Let us share your educational offerings with 2000+ online network and quarterly though our Educational Insert in the YS News. And hyperlink from our website education listing to yours.