
Sara Black : Sculpture, Installation, Socially Engaged/Participatory Art

Sara Black

Sculpture, Installation, Socially Engaged/Participatory Art
(773) 332-9827 (Cell)

114 E Whiteman Ave, Apt B
Yellow Springs, OH 45387

· I teach classes based on my craft.
· I am willing to take commissions.
· I am willing to participate in curatorship (artist talks, gallery sitting, etc.) of my own shows.
· I am willing to answer questions from other artists.


William R. Brown : Paint, Sculpture

William R. Brown

Paint, Sculpture
(937) 546-2115 (Cell)

1321 Shawnee Dr.
Yellow Springs, OH. 45387

· I am in need of a space to work.
· I have materials to share/trade.,
· I am willing to take commissions.
· I am willing to sell my work to businesses.
· I am willing to sell my work on payment plans.
· I am willing to participate in curatorship (artist talks, gallery sitting, etc.) of my own shows.
· I am willing to answer questions from other artists.

Anna Burke : Paint, Mixed Media

Anna Burke

Paint, Mixed Media
(937) 477-7039

Ace's Art
314 Dayton St. #210
Yellow Springs OH 45387

SUN-TUES evenings

· I can offer other artists a space to work.
· I have materials to share/trade.
· I am looking for other artists to collaborate with.
· I am willing to take commissions.
· I am willing to sell my work to businesses.
· I am willing to sell my work on payment plans.
· I am willing to participate in curatorship (artist talks, gallery sitting, etc.) of my own shows.
· I am willing to answer questions from other artists.

Michael Casselli : Installation, Sculpture, Mixed Media

Michael Casselli

Installation, Sculpture, Mixed Media
(310) 977-8583 (Cell)

Manic Design Studios
127 West North College Street
Yellow Springs, OH  45387

Studio address:
910 Corry Street
Yellow Springs, Ohio  45387

Studio hours by appointment

• I am looking for artists to collaborate with.
• I teach classes based on my craft.
• I am willing to take commissions.
• I am willing to sell my work to businesses.
• I am willing to sell my work on payment plans.
• I am willing to participate in curatorship (artist talks, gallery sitting, etc.) of my own shows.
• I am willing to answer questions from other artists.



Robert Coates : Ceramics, Sculpture, Illustration/Drawing

Robert Coates

Ceramics, Sculpture, Illustration/Drawing
(937) 336-4136

Redbud Cottage Studio
33 East Hebble Avenue
Fairborn, OH 45324-5012

Studio hours by appointment

• I am willing to sell my work to businesses.
• I am willing to sell my work on payment plans.
• I am willing to take commissions.
• I am willing to participate in curatorship (artist talks, gallery sitting, etc.) of my own shows.
• I am willing to answer questions from other artists.

Bob Coates art work is always connected to nature. His hand built vessels always reference the natural world with leaves, flowers, birds and bees carved onto the surface. This narrative of nature also surrounds the faces and figures that are carved onto the clay surfaces. Bob's colors are varied and earthy. He blends differnt styles together, art

David Flowers : Featherwood Frames - Sculpture, Woodworking, Pedal Power Machines

David Flowers

Featherwood Frames - Sculpture, Woodworking, Pedal Power Machines
(740) 607-2910 (Cell)

· I have materials to share/trade.
· I am willing to take commissions.
· I am willing to sell my work to businesses.
· I am willing to sell my work on payment plans.
· I am willing to participate in curatorship (artist talks, gallery sitting, etc.) of my own shows.
· I am willing to answer questions from other artists.


Chris Glaser : Paint, Illustation/Drawing, Scuplture

Chris Glaser

Paint, Illustation/Drawing, Scuplture

(937) 767-1241 (Home)

Phone: (937) 623-3618 (Cell)

· I am willing to take commissions.
· I am willing to sell my work to businesses.
· I am willing to sell my work on payment plans., I am willing to answer questions from other artists.

Hawley WoodWorks : Tom Hawley – Sculpture, Design, Furniture

Hawley WoodWorks

Tom Hawley – Sculpture, Design, Furniture
(937) 423-3545 Cell

2942 Snively Rd.
Yellow Springs, OH 45387

· I teach classes based on my craft.
· I am willing to take commissions.
· I am willing to sell my work to businesses.
· I am willing to sell my work on payment plans.
· I am willing to participate in curatorship (artist talks, gallery sitting, etc.) of my own shows.
· I am willing to answer questions from other artists.


Herndon Gallery : Jennifer Wenker

Herndon Gallery

Jennifer Wenker
(937) 319-6139 ext.2220 (Work)

Antioch College
One Morgan Place
Yellow Springs, OH 45387

Tuesday - Saturday 1 - 4 pm

The Herndon Gallery is in South Hall on the Antioch College campus. The gallery hosts four exhibitions a year that include all media, as well as appropriate performances of music, dance, and theater. Shows are curated by the Creative Director of the Gallery in collaboration with the Antioch Arts faculty.

· gallery that exhibits all media and host performances
· I am looking for other artists to collaborate with.
· I am willing to participate in curatorship (artist talks, gallery sitting, etc.) of my own shows.
· I am willing to answer questions from other artists.


Mike Highmiller : Sculpture, Music, Design

Mike Highmiller

Sculpture, Music, Design
(937) 462-7312

The David-Anthony Studio
9471 Selma Pike
South Charleston, Ohio 45368

· I am looking for other artists to collaborate with.
· I teach classes based on my craft.
· I am willing to take commissions.
· I am willing to sell my work to businesses.
· I am willing to sell my work on payment plans.
· I am willing to participate in curatorship (artist talks, gallery sitting, etc.) of my own shows.
· I am willing to answer questions from other artists.


Beth Holyoke : Ceramics, Sculpture, Illustration/Drawing

Beth Holyoke

Ceramics, Sculpture, Illustration/Drawing
(937) 767-1583 (Home)

Holyoke Ceramics
107 Cliff St.
Yellow Springs, OH 45387

Beth's ceramic work is inspired by fantastic imagery, organic and natural forms and real life people's faces. For the last several years she has explored this theme of the human form, (faces and figures) as have so many artists. The guidelines that she has given herself for this work include using positive facial expressions and funny juxtapositions, and using simple color combinations and surface treatments. She hopes that they speak to others as sculptures that represent characters that are joyful, full of wonder and invention. Studio Hours by appointment

· I am willing to take commissions.
· I am willing to sell my work to businesses.
· I am willing to sell my work on payment plans.
· I am willing to participate in curatorship (artist talks, gallery sitting, etc.) of my own shows.
· I am willing to answer questions from other artists.

Behrle Hubbuch III : Sculpture (Bronze, Precious Metals, Pewter), Illustration/Drawing, Jewelry

Behrle Hubbuch III

Sculpture (Bronze, Precious Metals, Pewter), Illustration/Drawing, Jewelry
(937) 708-6779 (Cell)

1133 Arbor Ave.
Dayton, OH 45420

· I teach classes based on my craft.
· I am willing to take commissions.
· I am willing to sell my work to business plans.
· I am willing to answer questions from other artists.

Jon Barlow Hudson : Sculpture, Public Art, Landscaping

Jon Barlow Hudson

Sculpture, Public Art, Landscaping
(937) 767-7766 (Work)

Hudson Sculpture LLC
PO Box 710
Yellow Springs, OH 45387

Studio hours by appointment only.

• I am willing to take commissions.
• I am willing to sell my work on payment plans.
• I am willing to participate in curatorship (artist talks, gallery sitting, etc.) of my own shows.
• I am willing to sell my work to businesses.
• I am willing to answer questions from other artists.

Jon Barlow Hudson is particularly interested in large scale sculpture projects for public environments. He also creates smaller scale sculptures for other environments. He work on any scale, in a wide range of materials, in various motifs and types of installation.


Bob Huston : Sculpture

Bob Huston

(937) 767-4491 (Home)

Phone: (937) 671-6964 (Cell)
3390 State Route 370
Yellow Springs, OH 45387

Bob produces cast iron sculpture by the lost-foam casting process. The abstract pieces range from 10 to 75 pounds and are designed to be displayed on a pedestal. The sculptures are cast at Xenia Foundry which is owned by Bob’s family. He is interested in collaborating with other sculptors.

· I have a studio space.
· I am looking for artists to collaborate with.
· I am willing to take commissions.

Christine Klinger : Painting, Photography, Sculpture

Christine Klinger

Painting, Photography, Sculpture
(937) 409-5047 (Cell)

1860 Hilt Rd.
Yellow Springs, OH 45387

My studio is not open to the public at the moment, but contact me if you have questions or comments. Thanks.

• I teach classes based on my craft.
• I am willing to take commissions.
• I am willing to sell my work to businesses.
• I am willing to sell my work on payment plans.
• I am willing to answer questions from other artists.
• I am willing to participate in curatorship (artist talks, gallery sitting, etc.) of my own shows.

Christine Klinger has a B.A. in Psychology from Antioch College in Yellow Springs, OH, and an M.S. in Photojournalism from Ohio University in Athens. She has written and photographed for publication and has taught art in South Carolina, California and Ohio.

Christine has been a photographer since the 1990s and a sculptor since 1995, receiving a Visual Artist Fellowship from the Montgomery County (OH) Arts & Cultural District in 2009. She began painting in 2006 and received an Artist in Residency in painting and photography from the State of South Carolina in 2011. Christine exhibits in solo and group shows and her work is in many private and corporate collections.

Christine was Coordinator of Rosewood Gallery in Kettering, OH, for ten years. She owned and operated Springs Gallery in Yellow Springs, and was a member of the Village Artisans Cooperative in Yellow Springs. Christine currently lives in Yellow Springs, OH. To contact her please visit or call (937) 767-2346 (Home).

Richard Lapedes : Sculpture, Mixed Media

Richard Lapedes

Sculpture, Mixed Media
(937) 626-5131 (Cell)

130 W. Limestone St.
Yellow Springs, OH 45387

Millworks, Walnut St., YS, OH 45387
Studio space open to public by appointment only

Richard Lapedes was trained at the Yale Graduate School of Fine Arts while obtaining his undergraduate degree in Intellectual History. He has been making visual artifacts since childhood. After a career outside the arts he resumed full time art-making in 2005. His sculpture mixes many media from concrete to plastics. Each piece is metaphorically driven; and employs both curvilinear and biological forms. Indoor works are torso sized and larger and some are motorized. Outside work is 6' or larger. Works are available in exchange for a specified donation to a specified non-profit.

· I am willing to sell my work to businesses.
· I am willing to participate in curatorship (artist talks, gallery sitting, etc.) of my own shows.
· I am willing to answer questions from other artists.

Emma Loomis-Amrhein : Landscaping, Music, Sculpture

Emma Loomis-Amrhein

Landscaping, Music, Sculpture
(937) 768-4637 (Cell)

One Morgan Place
Yellow Springs, OH 45387

· I am looking for other artists to collaborate with.
· I am willing to take commissions.
· I am willing to sell my work to businesses.
· I am willing to answer questions from other artists.

Miami Valley Pottery : Naysan McIlhargey – Ceramics, Functional Focused Pottery, Sculpture

Miami Valley Pottery

Naysan McIlhargey – Ceramics, Functional Focused Pottery, Sculpture
(937) 767-7517 (Work)

145 E. Hyde Road
Yellow Springs, OH 45387

Miami Valley Pottery was founded in 2004 by Naysan McIlhargey, his wife Jalana Lazar and his stepdad David Mader. The focus of Miami Valley Pottery is hand made, functional, wood fired pottery. McIlhargey's apprenticeship at Cornwall Bridge Pottery initiated him into a long tradition of woodfire potters, and taught him the technical skills necessary to produce large quantities of functional ware. More importantly, it provided him with an understanding of what qualities distinguish a beautiful pot and a successful pottery.

· I am willing to take commissions.
· I am willing to sell my work to businesses.
· I am willing to sell my work on payment plans.
· I am willing to answer questions from other artists.

Michael Jones Studio : Ceramics, Sculpture, Illustration/Drawing

Michael Jones Studio

Ceramics, Sculpture, Illustration/Drawing
(937) 767-1004 (Work)

(937) 416-7282 (Cell)

Michael Jones
790 Wright Street
Yellow Springs, OH 45387

Studio: Millworks Business Center
307 N. Walnut St
Yellow Springs, OH 45387

Studio hours by appointment

· I teach classes based on my craft.
· I am willing to take commissions.
· I am willing to sell my work to businesses.
· I am willing to participate in curatorship (artist talks, gallery sitting, etc.) of my own shows.
· I am willing to answer questions from other artists.

William Mischler : Ceramics, Sculpture

William Mischler

Ceramics, Sculpture
(937) 397-3002 (Cell)

306 West Center College Street
Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387

· I am looking for other artists to collaborate with.
· I teach classes based on my craft.
· I am willing to take commissions.
· I am willing to sell my work to businesses.
· I am willing to sell my work on payment plans.
· I am willing to answer questions from other artists.

Paul Monaghan : Sculpture (Metal), Mixed Media, Welded Steel

Paul Monaghan

Sculpture (Metal), Mixed Media, Welded Steel
(937) 430-7500 (Cell)

· I am willing to take commissions.
· I am willing to sell my work to businesses.
· I am willing to sell my work on payment plans.
· I am willing to participate in curatorship (artist talks, gallery sitting, etc.) of my own shows.
· I am willing to answer questions from other artists.

Odd Pottery : Tara Anderson – Ceramics, Jewelry, Sculpture

Odd Pottery

Tara Anderson – Ceramics, Jewelry, Sculpture
(937) 545-6062 (Cell)

PO Box 233
Wilberforce, Ohio 45384

· I am willing to take commissions.
· I am willing to sell my work to businesses.
· I am willing to sell my work on payment plans.
· I am willing to participate in curatorship (artist talks, gallery sitting, etc.) of my own shows.
· I am willing to answer questions from other artists.


Katie Olson : Illustration/Drawing, Paint, Sculpture

Katie Olson

Illustration/Drawing, Paint, Sculpture
(484) 885-6747 (Cell)

One Morgan Place
Yellow Springs, OH 45387

Katie Olson is currently studying visual art at Antioch College. She has been honing her craft as a visual artist since she was young. She is proficient in a variety of mediums and is passionate about her work.

• I am looking for other artists to collaborate with.
• I am willing to take commissions.
• I am willing to sell my work to businesses.
• I am willing to answer questions from other artists.

Bruce Parker : Mixed Media, Sculpture, Writing

Bruce Parker

Mixed Media, Sculpture, Writing
(937) 767-9455 (Work)


Azur Creations
477 Yellow Springs Fairfield Rd.
Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387

Studio hours by appointment

For me art is thought provoking and healing.

  • I have materials to share/trade.
  • I am willing to sell my work to businesses.
  • I am willing to answer questions from other artists.
  • I am willing to take commissions.
  • I am willing to participate in curatorship (artist talks, gallery sitting, etc.) of my own shows.
Alice Robrish Studios : Alice Robrish– Sculpture, Printmaking

Alice Robrish Studios

Alice Robrish– Sculpture, Printmaking
(937) 767-1312 (Cell)

412 Dayton St.
Yellow Springs, OH 45387

Through her figurative sculptures, Robrish addresses the lives of women and men who may be poor, or have little formal education, or have different skin pigmentation. How far can we move along the spectrum of accepting ourselves and of caring for others? For more than twenty years Robrish taught clay sculpture and handbuilding classes in her DC area studio while sculpting and exhibiting her work. In 2004 she relocated to Yellow Springs, where she continues her studio practice. Her figurative sculptures have been exhibited in galleries in the DC area, Chicago, Cincinnati, Columbus, and greater Dayton. Studio Hours By Appointment

· I have materials to share/trade.
· I am looking for other artists to collaborate with.
· I am willing to sell my work to businesses.
· I am willing to sell my work on payment plans.
· I am willing to participate in curatorship (artist talks, gallery sitting, etc.) of my own shows.
· I am willing to answer questions from other artists.


Sculptor’s Emporium : Michel Zurbuchen – Sculpture

Sculptor’s Emporium

Michel Zurbuchen – Sculpture

(937) 767-9196 (Work)

305 N. Walnut St. Suite D-2
Yellow Springs, Ohio 45387

· I teach classes based on my craft.
· I am willing to take commissions.
· I am willing to sell my work to businesses.
· I am willing to sell my work on payment plans.
· I am willing to answer questions from other artists.

Sam Stewart : Paint, Illustration/Drawing, Sculpture

Sam Stewart

Paint, Illustration/Drawing, Sculpture
(801) 750-3971 (Cell)

One Morgan Place
Yellow Springs, OH 45387

· I am looking for other artists to collaborate with.
· I am willing to sell my work to businesses.
· I am willing to sell my work on payment plans.
· I am willing to answer questions from other artists.

Margrit Tydings-Petrie : Papier Mâché, Paint, Sculpture

Margrit Tydings-Petrie

Papier Mâché, Paint, Sculpture

(937) 767-7039 (Home)

Phone: (937) 532-3500 (Work)

One of A Kind Art by Margrit Tydings-Petrie
127 Cliff Street
Yellow Springs, OH 45387
Margrit is a multimedia artist with papier mâché as her specialty. She enjoys teaching, which she defines as encouraging others to do work on what they want to do and helping when needed.

· I am in need of a space to work.
· I teach classes based on my craft.
· I am willing to take commissions.
· I am willing to sell my work to businesses.
· I am willing to sell my work on payment plans.
· I am willing to participate in curatorship (artist talks, gallery sitting, etc.) of my own shows.
· I am willing to answer questions from other artists.

Village Artisans Cooperative : Exhibits Various Visual Mediums

Village Artisans Cooperative

Exhibits Various Visual Mediums
(937) 767-1209 (Work)

100 Corry St.
Yellow Springs, OH 45387

The Village Artisans, a cooperative of local artists, was founded in the heart of historic Yellow Springs in 1983. Located in the Corry Street Shops, the Village Artisans provides Yellow Springs with unique handmade art at affordable prices. The Artisans' goal is to sustain interest and excitement for the arts through artwork, exhibits and demonstrations.In addition to a large selection of fine arts and fine crafts, each year they sponsor Art on the Lawn the second Saturday in August. This event is a juried outdoor show featuring handmade art from over 100 artists from all over the country." Gallery Open Every Day 12 - 5PM; excluding major holidays

· I am willing to sell my work to businesses.


Yellow Springs Arts Council Permanent Collection : Nancy Mellon

Yellow Springs Arts Council Permanent Collection

Nancy Mellon
(937) 679-9722

The Yellow Springs Arts Council is proud to partner with Antioch University Midwest (AUM) for a display representing the artistic heritage of the Village of Yellow Springs. Founded in 1992 by active members of the Arts Council, today there are over 125 pieces in the collection. YSAC continues to maintain the collection, which continues to grow. To learn more or to donate a piece, contact the YSAC. [This work is Sugarcube on Green by Jessica Roller.]

The collection can be viewed at Antioch University Midwest, 900 Dayton St., Yellow Springs, OH during AUM’s General Operating Hours Monday – Friday from 8:30 am – 5:00 pm and Saturday from 8:30 am – 3:00 pm.